GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 9/22/19

Location: The meeting was held at The Peak in Winter Park

Board members present: Jack Reichert, Gary Piper, Bambi Statz, Ingrid Anderson, Monica Sandstrom, Toni Rothenberg, Roxanne Singler, Dick Sprague..

Guest: Al Rothenbach

Forest Service: Clayton Cornwell and Andy Borek

Time: The meeting began at 5:15 p.m.

APPROVAL OF MINUTES. Motion by Bambi and seconded by Monica, minutes for meeting on June 9, 2019, were approved.

TREASURER'S REPORT: Cash flow is -1838.78. There monies that have been collected yet from Monica and Dick. Checkbook balance is $3880.70.

MEMBERSHIP REPORT: No report from Bob Saint.

SRD ACTIVITIES/UPDATES RELATED TO GCWG: September 15th was the last night permits were necessary for camping. Boulder Ranger District is amenable to doing online permitting. The reservation system should be up and running next year

There may be a need to extend volunteer and forest service coverage through October1st next year. When permits end, many people still going in, more than sites available, which causes potential problems especially the impact due to campfires. Request a list where people may camp when permits aren't available, e.g., Strawberry Bench, High Lonesome, Doe Creek. Could this be built into the reservation system. John Simmons position (and his front desk knowledge) is being filled by multiple temps without long term knowledge of the area. Cascade Creek bridge is fully replaced – 100% of 40 foot bridge. Trail counters to monitor real traffic; questionnaire to collect information on visitors, e.g., number in party, where going, etc. Indian Peaks is the second most visited wilderness system in the country.

TRAINING VIDEOS: Have had good comments, great to have online. There will be a new video for radio operations for both cabins next year. Toni will make.

LEAD POSITIONS: Art Affair leader is Ingrid Anderson

JOB DESCRIPTIONS: Monica and Dick to write up their job descriptions.

2019 CABIN HOSTING SCHEDULER: Per Monica, there were 112 spots filled, 56 volunteered more than once. There were three days not covered, all of July and August were covered. If there is no volunteer for a day, let Andy know and he can assign an intern.

ONLINE SIGNUP SYSTEM: The system is working.

CABIN HOSTING DISCUSSION: See discussion under SRD activities.

GRANTS: no grants.

VOLUNTEER HOURS: There were 2200 volunteers at same time last year, only 1100 hours this year, although hours for July, August and September have not been tallied yet. One reason for fewer hours may be cabins opened later this year. There were 253 trail ambassadors last year, only 26 this year. There were 80 hours for Wilderness Academy.

COMMUNICATIONS BETWEEN SRD AND GCWG: Per Dick, communications are better.

ANRA PASSES: Machines were delayed this year because of negotiating new contract. Contract is for $48,000 per year. Trying for a machine closer to Monarch. Pilot program for e-ticketing.

PUBLIC LANDS DAY: Andy will be 2020 project manager. This year the projects are mostly bike trails. Monica will help brainstorm Public Lands Day by June for next year. There is a proposal to work within half mile on non-motorized trailhead. To coordinate with Andy Borek.

DOG LITTER: Twice Monice and Carolyn were faced with hysterical people because their dog needed rescuing and they feel there is a need for a dog litter. Andy feels we shouldn't be offering the public our help, that it's not our place mostly because of liability issues. Reach out to Search and Rescue? What can we do – any suggestions to help when we can't assist? Maybe put together a brochure for assistance.

FLASHLIGHT/SOLAR LIGHT FOR JUNCO: There is a flashlight at Junco. Gary will install and double door at Junco.

MEMBERSHIP SURVEY: Postponed to next meeting


CLOTHING INVENTORY: Can volunteer be added on all shirts? Do we want non-members buying hats at the Art Affair? We need at least 20 to order fishing shirts; 20 tee shirt and hats – this can be a mixed order. See if George can add “VOLUNTEER” to the fishing shirts. Moved by Gary to buy 20 shirts fishing shirts, Toni seconded.

VOLUNTEER BADGES: Will take orders at fall meeting.

OTHER BUSINESS: No other business.

Motion to adjourn by Ingrid, seconded by Bambi

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