GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 6/10/12

Location: The board met at Roger & Joan Shaw's home. After the potluck Jim Magill called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m

Attendance:Jim Magill, Beth Collins, Al Rothenbach, Christine Lee, Gary Perkins, Sue Perkins, Joan & Roger Shaw, Tom Papathakis, Lisa Vonderharr, Toni Wujek, Tom Whitten, Stephen Lee

Minutes from the last meeting were approved. Tom Whitten presented the treasurer's report. GCWG has $4,912.96 in its account. All bills have been paid except the one for the new canopy, about $100. He is still waiting for the bill.

PUBLICITY: A chairperson still has to be found - either someone from the board or from the general membership. We can advertise for someone via our website. We also need to increase membership. A discussion followed on what we can use money for. We don't have big number items. Sue Perkins suggested that we talk to the Rotary or the Lions Club for ideas. Putting events in the Sky-Hi calendar is not enough. She & Gary volunteered to put an ad in the paper for our picnic. People could come and find out what our group's goals are and what we do. She will get a price for a three day quarter or sixth of a page ad.

CABIN HOSTING: We're not full this year especially July 4th. Tom & Lisa volunteered to host Monarch Cabin on this day. Training for Monarch is finished. Training for Junco Cabin Hosting is on July 7th. Jim said that he would put in the June/July hosting dates still needed in a special e-mail to all members.

TRAIL HIKES: Going well thus far. A few leaders still needed for late August.

TRAIL REGISTRATION BOXES & BULLETIN BOARDS: Bulleting boards still need to be worked on. We could use info sheets and pictures although we don't have a lot of room on the bulletin boards. Moreover, we have to check with the Forest Service on what we can do. What is their responsibility and what is our responsibility?

Jim suggested a meeting with the Forest Service about this problem. He, Beth, Al, Toni, Dwayne and Marty Hunter will have a meeting to discuss ideas and then check with the Forest Service to see if these ideas could be implemented.

Roger reported on the Registration Box Project. The Forest Service needs more Junco data in order to show the need for a new outhouse. The Barnards are planning to take over the Devil's Thumb Registration box. This means that a volunteer is needed for the Vasquez Registration Box. Roger would also like for someone else to be in charge of the Registration Box Project. He has done this for many years and it's time for someone else to take over although he is willing to do it for one more year.

ARTAFFAIR: (T-shirts/Hats, etc.)—Ariel has asked for someone else to head up this committee. She does not have enough space and the work is too much for her.

TRAIL WORK DAYS – Doug Smith does not have a date for this.

DAISY DAYS – Will be on Wednesday, August 1.

NEWSLETTER – Has been mailed out. Roger and Joan would like to retire from doing the newsletter. Joan would be happy to help the new person work on the next issue.

OLD BUSINESS – A work day is needed at Junco Cabin. The outside windows and side of the cabin need painting. We should set up a day and ask for volunteers.

We have a sign that we can put up in Junco Cabin. HOSTED BY GCWG. It would only be put up when we are hosting. It would be taken down when we leave for the day. A question was asked if anyone in the Forest Service has approved the sign (Dan Matthews?) It was felt by everyone that we should put up the sign and see what happens.

A suggestion to have GCWG brochures in both cabins was approved by all.

NEW BUSINESS: It was suggested that our organization agree to be a sponsor and be put on the list for MPHS student community involvement hours. The discussion that followed was mostly positive but raised some issues and questions that had to be answered before this could happen. The matter is liability was the most pressing question. Do we need liability insurance or are the students covered by school insurance? Would we need a disclaimer? What else? Sue Perkins volunteered to be the contact with the school. Christine Lee said that she would check on what other groups have or are doing. The Mountain Family Center has sponsored students – how do they handle it?

Toni Wujek brought up the issue of trail adoption. GCWG has worked on the Columbine Lake Trail and has had no recognition. (Other groups have their name on trails). A MOTION WAS MADE TO GET A SIGN WITH CGWG ADOPTING COLUMBINE LAKE TRAIL. Motion was made and carried. This would get us more recognition and exposure. Jim will ask Jerry Stahl about such a sign.

Joan Shaw reminded everyone that on Thursday, June 21 the DVD of The BIG YEAR will be shown. It is for members and their guests only. Al Rothenbach will send out a special e-mail to members.

Sue/Gary Perkins – Will have a new banner made to put up on the canopy. Tom Whitten volunteered to have the banner made at Kopy-Kat. This should be ready for the ArtAffair which takes place on July 21-22.

The next board meeting was set for Sunday, Sept.9 and will be hosted by Jim Magill & Beth Collins.

The meeting adjourned at 8:40 p.m.

Submitted by: Christine Lee, Secretary

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