GCWG Board Meeting Minutes 10/7/07

Location: The Board met at the house of Al Rothenbach and Toni Wujek. The meeting was preceded by a potluck dinner.

Attendance: Board members in attendance were: Joan Shaw, Jerry Stahl, Carolyn Manly, Al Rothenbach, Susan Ellis, Joyce Clair, and Toni Wujek. Board members Marshall Haith, Jim Moat, and Jim Bernard were absent. Also in attendance were: Roger Shaw, Jim Clair, Carolyn Stahl, and Donn Manly.

Opening: President Al Rothenbach called the meeting to order at 7:15 PM

The board approved the minutes from the meeting of 5/25/07.

Carolyn M. gave the board a written financial report. A copy is included with these minutes. Currently, the balance on hand is $1955.42..

A discussion, about whether or not to raise dues from $10 to $15 per address, followed. The group had several money-making efforts this past summer. It was decided to raise the dues so that we would not have to make these extra efforts again. Dues will be collected at the fall members' meeting. They will cover membership from 1/1 to 12/31 of the upcoming year. Al R. will write up a membership policy. Susan E. suggested that a membership application form be included in the fall newsletter.

Al R. suggested that we solicit volunteers at the spring members' meeting for all the extra activities we do besides cabin and trail hosting, such as manning booths at the Art Affair and at Fraser River Days.

Al R mentioned that he needs to update the membership brochure. Changes to the brochure were discussed. Roger S. will send Al R. the elk picture used as background in the brochure.

Donn M. reported on the orientation hikes that were held this past season. There were 8 hikes, with attendance ranging from 9 to 22 people. Donn M. and Carolyn M. volunteered to organize the hikes again next year. Donn M. raised the question of the group's liability on these hikes. It was decided that people “won't sue you if there's nothing there”. The treasury will be kept to around $2000. Attendance on the hikes will be open to “members and guests”.

Susan E. requested a hardcopy updated mailing list. Al R. will get her one.

The board reviewed our summer activities:

The board set the fall members meeting for Sunday, November 4th.. Sunday, November 11th, will be our backup date. It will again be held at the YMCA. Al R. asked for ideas for a speaker. Jerry S. suggested someone from the Colorado Mountain Club. Joan S. suggested someone from the fire department talk on evacuation plans. The board thought this was a great idea for the spring meeting. Roger S. suggested we ask Kirk Klancke to talk on the health of the Fraser River. Roger S. also suggested we ask Mark Udall, who is running for re-election, to talk. The group discussed the pros and cons of having a political speaker. It was agreed that we would try to get Mark Udall for the spring meeting, and the date was set for April 13, 2008. Joyce C. will be out of town for the fall meeting, but Carolyn S. will pick up the T-shirts and sell them at the meeting.

Joyce C. distributed a T-shirt inventory. A copy is included with these minutes. She noted that the best-selling items are the long sleeved cotton shirts. Carolyn S. asked if we could get a fleece vest made. Joyce C. will investigate. Carolyn S. and Carolyn M. will help, and will report at the December board meeting. We also need to get more small sizes and some medium volunteer T-shirts.

Al R. will ask the Stroh's if they will co-ordinate our participation in the Forest Service's Xmas sale this year. The sale runs for two weekends in December. We will mention that we need volunteers for this event at the fall meeting.

Toni W. will find out the date of the Xmas Bird Count and send it to the Shaws for inclusion in the fall newsletter.

Roger S. reported that a new registration box was placed at the Roaring Forks trailhead and signage was added at the Baker trailhead this season. Bill Turnbull built the box, and four extra. Roger noted that 3 or 4 more trailheads still need signage. Roger will continue handling the registration boxes, but he would like to have someone else take over signage. It involves working with Ray Miller as the Forest Service representative. Jim C. volunteered to do this, and Jerry S. offered to help. Roger noted that, next summer, a session is needed to make more signage posts. He also asked that anyone with photos for the Roaring Fork bulletin board get them to the Kitts. Joan S. observed that there is not enough information on the bulletin boards, and asked if we could take some descriptions out of the Hiking Grand County, Colorado book. She will include a want-ad in the fall newsletter for more trailhead photos.

This year, no one organized a group effort for National Public Lands Day. Al R. will ask the Stanfills to head this next year. If we do it ahead of time, we can put in our bid for a specific project to the Forest Service.

Joan S. reported that the deadline for articles for the fall newsletter is October 10th.

Donn M. and Carolyn M. will be making a trip to Great Sand Dunes National Park in southern Colorado to scout it out as a possible location for our spring trip.

Donn M. suggested that the individuals who head up our trail hosting and cabin hosting efforts be invited to the spring board meeting, to improve communication with them. The board agreed.

In spring, a representative from our group will talk to Ray Miller and offer help cutting trees that are blocking trails in the wilderness areas. Joan S. inquired about who leads Adopt-a-Trail. Maybe we could recommend trails that need work, such as the Arapahoe Creek trail that the group backpacked this summer, to them.

Adjournment: The meeting adjourned at 9:10PM.

Toni Wujek, Secretary

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